Continuous training for employees

In Italy the demand for training in public and private enterprises, as well as every type of professional, is constantly increasing. The type of requirement is changing as well: in addition to compulsory continuous training in the areas of occupational safety or processing personal data, there has been a demand for continuing professional development as an opportunity for businesses to develop and grow. A survey by ISTAT, the Italian agency responsible for statistics, provided a snapshot of the situation at a national level. The institute analysed the characteristics and changes in workplace training by comparing the data of 2005 and 2010. In particular, it was found that in our country the percentage of firms with at least ten employees who have received vocational training increased from 32.20% in 2005 to 55.60% in 2010. Based on evidence from the last four years gleaned from online data and combined with market forecasts, the outlook for company training is highly positive and promises strong growth.  The greater the number of employees in a company, the more resources there are for training, depending mainly on the type of activity: the lion’s share of training spend is to be found in the financial services, insurance and banks, followed by telecommunications, publishing, information technology, services, trade and professional activities. Of course, industry has a major role to play and the available data are clear: for 96% of companies that provide continuous training there is a positive impact on productivity. Training affects the careers of 78% of staff and the salaries of 87% of employees are influenced by their training. Fumagalli Industria Alimentare SpA has embraced this vision in the belief that the growth of staff through training is one of the main levers of business success.  It helps the company steer a steady course in its corporate policies and leads to a more qualified workforce that is also able to use technology. In addition, training programme influences our overall business strategy, helping to reduce costs, improve the quality of work and make it more efficient.

Essere Fumagalli